Hudson Valley RBERN Update

HV RBERN Professional Learning Opportunities

Current HV RBERN Workshops

Self-Guided HV RBERN Workshops

Experience RBERN workshops at your own pace and earn CTLE certificates when it's convenient for you. Registration is not required.

Other Professional Learning Opportunities

NYS Language Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network

Being The Instructional Leader Newcomer ELLs Need: Ensuring High Quality English Language and Literacy Instruction for Newcomer ELLs (K-5 & 6-12) - Online | 2-Part Series

Starting January 9, 2025, 1:30-4:30 PM

This two-part workshop is uniquely designed for district and school-based administrators in charge of language and literacy instruction for Newcomer ELLs. It features Dr. Nancy Cloud, a professor and noted author of many books on ELL education, including Literacy Instruction for English Language Learners.


Initiative on Immigration and Education (CUNY II-E)

Save the Date!

PK-12 Immigration Literature Conference: Storytelling For Visibility, Understanding & Transformation

Saturday, March 8, 2025, 10:00-3:00 PM, The City College of New York

A gathering for educators, advocates, and storytellers to explore the role and power of immigration literature in PK-12 education. 

Stay tuned in 2025 for more details!

Eye on Immigration: Advocating for your Students’ Humanity with Dr. Tatyana Kleyn & Daniela Alulema

Tune in to RBERNing Questions' podcast, Eye on Immigration: Advocating for Your Students’ Humanity, with CUNY-IIE's Dr. Tatyana Kleyn and Daniela Alulema. Learn how the initiative’s “Learn, Act & Advocate” framework supports immigrant students and educators through resources, CTLE courses, and advocacy for equitable policies.



Initiative on Immigration and Education (CUNY II-E)

Enhancing Educational Equity for Immigrant Students in New York State

CUNY-IIE is proud to introduce Enhancing Educational Equity for Immigrant Students in New York State, a new policy brief addressing the systemic barriers undocumented and immigrant students face in accessing equitable education and offering actionable recommendations to promote educational equity for all, regardless of immigration status.

Systemic barriers continue to hinder equitable access to education for immigrant youth. Disparities in access are particularly evident in higher education, where some states may restrict in-state tuition or financial aid eligibility to undocumented students. Additionally, many educators are overwhelmed with the diverse needs of immigrant-origin students and the lack of resources to meet those needs.

To address these inequities, the brief emphasizes the importance of:

  • creating pathways to careers in education for undocumented students,

  • enhancing educator preparation on immigration-related issues, and

  • creating in-school supports for undocumented and other immigrant students to foster inclusive learning environments.

New York State Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages

Using the EOY Data Form to Track and Report NYSSB Earner Progress

Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 3:30-4:30 PM via Zoom

The End of Year (EOY) Data form is a spreadsheet that schools use to report their successful NYSSB candidates each spring. Once this form has been verified, the appropriate number of seal stickers and medallions are mailed to the school from NYSED’s distribution centers. The EOY Data form can serve as a tool for tracking students’ progress throughout the year, including multi-year cohorts, thus enabling the NYSSB Coordinator to more effectively identify and recruit potential candidates. This webinar will review the elements of the EOY Data Form, including the revisions that will be in effect starting September of 2025, as well as how NYSSB Coordinators can use this form to streamline the process of identification and recruitment of NYSSB candidates and the appropriate tracking of the points they earn through graduation. Tips will also be offered to avoid common pitfalls.


Languages for All: Universal Design for Differentiation from the Start

Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 4:00-5:00 PM via Zoom

All students should have access to language learning, so how can we effectively differentiate for all learners? This webinar will provide a brief introduction to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and its implications for language learning. Through this lens, instead of the time-consuming process of creating modifications and accommodations after creating a lesson, participants will develop strategies for cultivating agency and empowering self-differentiation for all learners right from the start of the planning process, including steps they can take the very next day.


In late December, the Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA) launched their Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Playbooks. We are proud to note that New York State played a significant role in this project and is prominently featured within the playbooks. For more information on the Dual Language Immersion project, please click on any of the links below.

ENL and Bilingual Teacher Leadership Consortium

Thursday, January 30, 2025, 3:30-4:30 PM

Associate Commissioner Elisa Alvarez knows that our teachers are doing the hard work of educating our English Language Learners. They need to know how they can best support you. This Town Hall-style event will allow for questions to be asked of the Associate Commissioner. She will speak to what work is being done in their office and will answer your questions.

This professional development opportunity is offered at NO COST to New York State educators and administrators and can be used to fulfill Language Acquisition CTLE professional development requirements (1 CTLE credit offered).

All participants must pre-register for this event. Pre-registration will close on January 20, 2025. The Zoom link will be sent out after your registration is received. 

December Newsletter

The December edition of the NYS OBEWL newsletter has been released. This newsletter is posted on their website along with an archive of previous issues.

Career Opportunities

Ossining UFSD

Please contact the HV RBERN for support or with any questions you may have.

Hudson Valley RBERN Update

HV RBERN Professional Learning Opportunities

Current HV RBERN Workshops

12/4/24, 1/8/25 ELL Identification Process for Students With an IEP Who Enroll or Re-enter a NYS School & the Purpose of the Language Proficiency Team (LPT) Online Two-Part Series

12/5/24 Working with Newcomers - at Rockland BOCES

12/9/24 CEEP "Office-Hour" - via Zoom

12/12/24 Working with Newcomers - at Orange-Ulster BOCES

12/17/24 Building Bridges: Engaging Families of English Language Learners through Relationships, Belonging, and Technology - at Southern Westchester BOCES

1/9/25, 2/6/25, 3/13/25 Integrated ENL Co-Teaching Series - 3 Sessions - at Orange-Ulster BOCES

1/30/25 Enhancing Reading Comprehension for ELLs - at Southern Westchester BOCES

2/21/25 Accelerating Academic Success for Long-Term English Learners - at Southern Westchester BOCES

3/6/25, 4/1/25, 4/8/25 Integrated ENL Co-Teaching 3-Part Series - at Dutchess BOCES

3/12/25 NYSESLAT Administration Training - at Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES

4/8/25 NYSESLAT Administration Training - at Rockland BOCES

5/1/25 Accelerating Academic Success for Long-Term English Learners - at Rockland BOCES

5/8/25 ENL, Immigration, and Graduation Pathways for High School Counselors and Directors of Guidance - at Orange-Ulster BOCES

5/21/25 Accelerating Academic Success for Long-Term English Learners - at Putnam Northern Westchester BOCES

6/3/25 Accelerating Academic Success for Long-Term English Learners - at Rockland BOCES

6/12/25 New York State ELL Identification Workshop - at Orange-Ulster BOCES

Self-Guided HV RBERN Workshops

Experience RBERN workshops at your own pace and earn CTLE certificates when it's convenient for you. Registration is not required.

ENL Co-Teaching Models

ENL Collaboration and Co-Teaching Foundations

Linguistically Diverse Learners and Advanced Literacy Instruction: Elevating the Instructional Core for All Students

NYSITELL Administration Training


New York State Education Department

New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test

This memorandum provides important information concerning procedures for requesting, shipping, and storing materials for the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) for Spring 2025. For the 2024-2025 school year, all NYSESLAT test materials will be requested through the online ordering system of the NYSESLAT vendor, MetriTech, Inc.

NYSESLAT General Information

Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages

The Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages (OBEWL) recently released An Administrator’s Guide for Supporting the Implementation of the Co-Teaching Instructional Model Within Integrated ENL Settings. This comprehensive guide, developed collaboratively with representatives from the Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network (RBERN) and OBEWL Associates, serves as a key resource for school and district leaders seeking to strengthen their co-teaching practices.

The guide is organized into two main sections:

  1. Why New York State Utilizes an Integrated ENL Co-Teaching Model – This section explains the rationale behind NYS's commitment to this instructional approach, emphasizing its benefits in promoting equitable access to grade-level content while fostering language development for English Language Learners (ELLs).

  2. How School and District Administrators Can Successfully Implement Integrated ENL Co-Teaching – This practical section offers actionable strategies for administrators to establish and sustain effective co-teaching partnerships, including guidance on scheduling, professional learning, and fostering collaborative environments.

 Designed to empower leaders with the tools and knowledge to advance integrated ENL settings, this guide is a vital step in ensuring that all ELLs receive the support they need to thrive academically and linguistically.

New York State Office for New Americans

The Office for New Americans (ONA) is seeking to fund qualified not-for-profit organizations to provide English language learning opportunities to new Americans in their communities.

All questions regarding this competitive grant program must be submitted in writing and received on or before December 11, 2024. Questions should be sent via email addressed to When corresponding by e-mail, clearly indicate the subject line as: ONA Opportunity Center ESOL RFA #24-ONA-41. No responses will be provided to inquiries made by telephone or social media.

Applications are due by January 17, 2025.


School & District Administrators 2024-2025 Updates from Bridges-CUNY

Professional Learning Options - NEW!

Asynchronous courses provided for each Bridges Professional Learning Program: This year we are providing asynchronous course modules as part of each program course. Participants still receive CTLE credits at the end of the year for the entire course, depending on the number of modules. Participants are eligible to receive coaching hours or can attend office hours with a coach once they finish all modules.

Bridges Courses, Programming & the Science of Reading

How Bridges fits into an MTSS framework: One area we have emphasized in training and rollout this past year is how the programs we offer can be part of the MTSS framework each school develops to fit their students’ needs, as part of a newcomer program or as a Tier 2 intervention. We are collecting different information from schools to share effective ways to program students. Please see this handout for more information.

Digitization of Resources - In Progress!

Digitization of materials in process: The Spanish HLA resources are now fully digitized. ENL/ELA resources will be available by the end of the school year. This will include teacher lessons and student materials. 

We will notify teachers and administrators as digitized resources become available.

ENL/ELA Programs: Differentiated Resources Available

We are offering new differentiated lessons for ENL/ELA: the ENL/ELA resources now serve students who have home language literacy up to 6th grade. All of our resources are updated now for SIFE and Entering Newcomers. We will continue to further develop differentiated materials for each unit and component as the year progresses. For more information, please sign up for office hours or visit our website.

Math Program: Spanish Bilingual Resources Coming Soon

We are in the process of translating key student materials into Spanish so that Spanish-speaking students and teachers have access to use in their classroom. Stay tuned for more information and a timeline for release.

Bronx Students Publish Book

Check out this book of Bridges student writing, published by Bridges teacher, Kiefer Rosado Cuevas, from International Community High School

“Each page is filled with the hopes, dreams, and hard work of students eager to share their stories with you…As you turn these pages, we invite you to join us on our journeys, to feel our excitement, our challenges and perseverance, and our purposes. We hope our stories touch your heart and inspire you as much as they have inspired us.”

If you need registration information or have other administrative questions, please feel free to reach out to our program operations team at who will either support you in getting what you need or forward your email to the right person. Please email if you have specific questions about programming or setting up your teachers and students for success. 

Other Professional Learning Opportunities

Initiative on Immigration and Education

Webinar: Pathways to Careers in Education for Undocumented Aspiring Educators

Tuesday, December 3, 2024, 5:00-6:00 PM via Zoom
This webinar will explore the barriers faced by undocumented immigrants pursuing careers in education, the implications of immigration policies, and potential solutions to enhance access to teacher certification and employment in New York State. Topics will include the current teacher shortage's impact on bilingual students, the fingerprinting process, and successful models from other states.


University of Salamanca, Spain

Presentación de los cursos en línea de la Universidad de Salamanca para profesores de español

Wednesday, December 4, 2024, 12:00 PM EST
This is a video conference presentation of online courses offered by the University of Salamanca for training teachers of Spanish as a second and foreign language. They will announce the online, asynchronous and tutored courses to be offered during the year 2025. These courses, of different durations, are spread throughout the year and have the official certification of the University of Salamanca. Further, 10 scholarships will be raffled to the conference attendees. Everyone present at this webinar will receive a gift.

NYS Statewide Language Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network

Pathways to Teacher Certification for Professionals and Individuals with Foreign Credentials (Online)

Tuesday, December 3, 2024, 6:30-8:00 PM
In this workshop participants will receive a broad overview of the eligibility requirements and many pathways available to become a Certified Teacher in New York State. All New York State public school teachers must have a New York State teacher certification to teach. 

Audience: Professionals with career experiences or completed degrees in their home country; AND professionals with or without degrees interested in changing their current careers and becoming a Certified Teacher in New York State.


Supporting World Language Learner Success - a Primer for School Leaders 2-Part Series (Online)

Part 1: Thursday, December 5, 2024, 3:30-5:00 PM
Part 2: Thursday, January 30, 2025, 3:30-5:00 PM
This workshop will provide middle and secondary principals, assistant principals, supervisors, and administrators with an overview of the Administrator Reference Guide to the revised New York State Learning Standards for World Languages (2021).

Audience: Middle & Secondary School Principals, Assistant Principals, Supervisors, and Administrators


Special Education: Teaching Adolescent ELLs with Disabilities 2-Part Series (Online)

Session 1: Foundations | Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 2:30-5:00 PM
Review principles of standards-based instruction for adolescents with disabilities • Understand universal design for learning • Accelerate learning by integrating oral language, literacy, and content area objectives in instruction • Teach foundation language and literacy skills

Session 2: Applications | Tuesday, December 17, 2024, 2:30-5:00 PM
Review analysis of ELL case study (Homework Assessment) • Apply effective strategies for oral language and literacy development • Teach learning strategies • Use strategies to facilitate student success in content area classes

Audience: Special Ed Teachers, Teachers, Administrators, CSE Personnel, Paraprofessionals, and IEP Coordinators


Career Opportunities

Ossining UFSD

ENL Teacher Leave Replacement - Ossining High School

Please contact the HV RBERN for support or with any questions you may have.

Hispanic Parent Leadership Institute: Call for Workshop Presentations

Hudson Valley RBERN Update:

Hispanic Parent Leadership Institute:

Call for Workshop Presentations

For those who may have missed our prior communications for this event, please refer to the information below:

Please contact the HV RBERN for support or with any questions you may have.